Thursday, July 7, 2011

Hetalia Day 2011

Will be on October 22nd, a Saturday.

We should also like brainstorm ideas and spread the word a little....


  1. On it~~
    I think we should learn the dance for the Eurovision flash dance (that's what they called it this year..not sure why) if anyone can find/knows the song they're dancing to. Actually, it people dancing to a song in Germany at a concert, but it's Eurovision-related and looks fun.

  2. wow okay anyone who read the above comment before it was deleted knows I'm an idiot.

  3. I think that dance is more/less lame-ish (sorry)
    Also, there will probably be a new challenge this year.

  4. Haha I removed it forever. Now no one can see it. Good.

  5. That's fine. Doing that part where you jog in place and bring your hands up just looks really fun.
    True, true.
    Maybe we should try for a real picnic this year.


    This is the first suggestion of the challenge for this year.

  7. Hello. does anyone know where it will be held in Baltimore MD? or IF it'll be held in Baltimore at all? I need the details for me and my friends. thankies.

  8. These are all the places it was held last year. Nothing is up on the official site yet.

  9. Can anyone come to this? and can you only cosplay as certain people?

  10. Anyone's welcome! Though . . . we prefer no pedophiles. You can be whatever Hetalia character you like! And even if you don't have a cosplay, you will still be welcome. We are very friendly people.

  11. awesome thanks! Me and a few of my friends are trying to decide what to do for Hetalia Day, so this is very helpful! ^^
    Also what time are you all meeting at?

  12. We're meeting at 10 am at Gregory Park. You can actually get there whenever (hardly anyone came at the same time last year), but if the weather is harsh or cold, we'll probably be trying to find a place indoors. We will have a checklist with everyone's name on it, so we should know who's missing. If we are able to contact you we will, but if not we might try leaving you a note.
    So it's better to arrive before eleven.
    If you check the most recent post, you can stay more updated! We're even doing a music video that you can participate in, if you and your friends want to~

  13. Alright well sounds good ^^ I'll talk to my friends about it and see if we'll go.
    Thanks so much for the information, it was really helpful.

  14. Hey, no problem! Hope you have a fun Hetalia Day c :

  15. Thanks, I hope your Hetalia Day is good as well ^^
