Monday, November 29, 2010

Pictures from Hetalia Day 2010

So, I tracked down one person who evidentally took one good picture. So, I'll add more pictures/videos when I track down Larissa and China.

Friday, November 26, 2010

For Next Year


Who should I cosplay for next year's Hetalia Day? I tried to make a poll but it kept telling me I was doing it wrong and there was no pleasing that thing.

  • Hungary- that way I don't need to make a new costume or anything, wooo-
  • Lithuania- he's my favorite < U <
  • Fem!Lithuania- have you seen traditional Lithuanian dresses. Like srsly.
  • Turkey- I just think it would be fun to wear the mask
  • Norway- because my grandma makes a point of telling me I am, in fact, a Norwiggin'. (It's the only part of my heritage I know. ;n;) Norwegian pride~!
  • Fem!Norway- I like dressing up as people my own gender. Don't judge me :C
  • Romano- for the sole reason of being able to make fun of how Italians talk. I am a horrible person-
  • Insert suggestion here
It's 2 AM and why I am I still awake

Friday, November 5, 2010

Yeah I made this and that's why it looks so crappy..

Okay, (did you notice how many of our posts we start with okay?) so I made this thing for other get togethers of the hetalia crew because I still really want to do hetalia things and I'm pretty sure we discussed going to anime detour together? yeah, so if you want to check out you can sign in with your account or the one we've provided and post and comment and such. Thankyou for your service and have a nice day!
